Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will we be trim and youthful in heaven?

One day, my in-laws saw my family portrait, circa 1987. “Who’s the priest in the picture?” I was taken aback. 25 years and 40 pounds earlier, it was me. Hmm. Somehow, I didn’t remember changing all that much. I still feel like the young, thin man in that photo – but apparently, don’t look anything like him anymore. Funny, the passing of time is often seen as our great enemy. We rail against it, trying with all our might to hang onto our youth. We spend billions of dollars every year in the pursuit of an appearance that will contradict the birth dates on our driver’s licenses.  Aging brings us closer to the end of this life that we love so much, and so we can often convince ourselves that it isn’t happening. Simply put, we love it here and we don’t want to leave. Will we be trim and youthful in heaven? My guess is that at that point, I’ll stop worrying about it since time will no longer be seen as the enemy. Time is a material, not spiritual reality. We cannot comprehend fully what our rebirth into the full spiritual reality will mean – all I know is that I won’t need a mirror to find my joy!

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