Saturday, November 16, 2013

One act of grace at a time

Studying Isaiah 65 in preparing for my homily this Sunday, I came across this quote:

"We are able to give one drink of cold water at a time. We are able to bring comfort to the poor and the wretched, one act of mercy or change at a time. One book given, one friendship claimed, one covenant of love, one can of beans, one moment of commendation, one confession of God's presence but for the asking, one moment in which another person is humanized rather than objectified, one challenge to the set order that maintains injustice, one declaration of the evil that is hiding in plain sight, one declaration that every person is a child of God: these acts accumulate within God's grace." (Mary Eleanor Johns, Feasting of the Word, Year C, Vol 4, p 292)

What a reminder that when we consider the prayer, "thy Kingdom come," that it does not come with a loud clash and clang or the trunpet blast and a world changing event, but in the mundane, daily grind of life. And what a lesson for our society. Each act of grace is worth doing all by itself . . . and begins with me.

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